TARAS SHEVCHENKO HAYDAMAKY Introduction (translated by Eugene E. Korovin) All passes, all changes, with no end for ages. Where did it get to and whence show up? The matter is latent to dunces and sages. Living and dying… One thing is in bloom, Another has withered, forever has withered, And shrivelled leafs have been scattered by breezes… The sun will arise as at first it arose, The stars beaming purple will shine as at first. They will shine on later, and you, the pale-faced, Along blue expanses will put to the skies. You’ll glance at a draw-well and boundless ocean, A sea waving roughly, and brightly will shine Both over the Babylon’s ancient garden And what our sons are to take as a burden. You are everlasting!.. I thrive in the talk As with a dear soul in talking along, Chanting the reflection you whispered at night. Advise me once more what to do with my sadness As I’m not abandoned or orphaned one, I do have my offspring but the fa...
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